

1st Grade - Pointillism Lesson 2

I was so impressed by my 1st graders work on their first pointillism project that I upped the rigor and gave them more colors for the second lesson.

We started out class by looking at this picture of pointillism I found on the internet - it's not the best picture of pointillism but it is a fantastic one to look at to really understand that pointillism is done with small dot like shapes using multiple tints/shades of one color.

The students and I looked at the one above and compared it do the ones they did - they noticed that the blue had lots of blues instead of just one and the trees had more than just one kind of green.  I asked them if the blues were all mixed up or if they made a pattern - they said all mixed up!  After this I did a quick demonstration of using more than one color in each spot and explained they needed two colors in each part!

The students drew a new simple picture, put on their paint shirts, got a Q-tip and started -- they are pretty amazing!  I can't wait to see the projects finished!

Close up of the tree.

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