

Super Hats

I was going through my pictures the other day and realized that I didn't post one of my favorite types of hats to make - super hats!

Okay, so to do these you will need at least 2 adults if not more depending on how many kiddos you have.  The spanish teacher and I did these on a day called, "Enrichment Day".  Enrichment day is really only part of the afternoon where students go to different activities for 30 minutes at a time.  It is a lot of set up work but the students get to pick from the classes all the teachers in the building offer.  These classes range from duct tape creations, rocket launching, knitting, bingo and checkers.  It's a lot of prep but it's tons of fun.

The hats.  These hats are made from newspaper, a little masking tape, colored tissue paper, and any other random crafty things you have sitting around.

Step one:  Sit a kiddo on a chair infront of you.
Step two:  Place a large sheet of newspaper over their head.
Step three: one of the adults need to place their hands low on the forehead and around the base of their noggin.
Step four: the other adult wraps masking tape around the head about where the other adult's hands are.  Do this once or twice - make it tight!
Step five: roll up edges of newspaper to the masking tape.
Step six: send this kiddo off to decorate and ask another kid to sit down - repeat.

Pros for Super Hats:
- They actually fit each head because they are custom made.
- Hilarious when finished no matter how they look.

Cons for Super Hats:
- Need a couple of adults
- Younger kids need a little bit of help not crushing their hat when decorating
- Sometimes tape is needed to keep up rolled edges.

These would be great fun to make at home on a rainy day, super hot day, or even at a meeting for a team building activity!


  1. Great idea with the newspaper. Last spring, one of our teachers has an idea for "hat day" - She contacted a local grocery store, got armloads of large brownpaper grocery sacks, and we used those. Most kids grade 3 and up could do their own, and only some of the younger kids needed help. To make the hat, open up the sack fully. Start rolling outwards from the open end - let the open end get smaller as you crumple and roll the edge more and more. Most stopped rolling halfway, but they can be rolled further too. Try on the hat, adjust for headsize as needed, and scrunch into desired shape. Decorate with paper scrap cutouts, felt-shapes and feathers.
    Advantage - less adult help needed. Disadvantage - getting enough paper sacks for all.
    Thanks for the great ideas! You are on my favorites list!

  2. Sounds fabulous!!! I will need to try this!


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