

Nomination for Art Education Blog of the Year!

I just found out from Jessica over at The Art of Education that my blog has been selected as one of the finalists to win "Art Ed Blog of the Year!" 

I am both excited and honored to be apart of their final 20 nominations!  There have been many truly amazing art blogs that were nominated on her site - please take time to check them all out.  I have found many new ones that I really like, and a couple more I have re-found.  

If you enjoy my blog please head to The Art of Education and vote for my blog.  The voting is open this ENTIRE week until January 20, 2012.  The 10 blogs with the most votes will get a permanent spot on The Art of Education's site, as well as a banner to post on their site proclaiming it an Art Ed Blog of the Year!  Very cool.

So please, head to the Art of Education and vote for your favorite Art blog, even if it's not mine.  (It sounds like you can vote for as many as you would like but you can only vote once!)


  1. ewow great I also wanna participate this competition to improve my internet knowledge and to make my blog awesome.

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Due to many unrelated comments I have decided to moderate them. I will post everything as long as it is on topic.