

Red Fish Blue Fish -- Kindergarten

This lesson would have been perfect for Dr. Seuss's Birthday - I, however, was in the middle of another lesson.

I got this lesson from another art teacher in my district (we actually share one of the other Elementary schools).  She had then up in the hallway and I just couldn't pass up the idea to incorporate Dr. Seuss and primary colors!

Day One:
We read the very first 6ish pages of Dr. Seuss's "One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish".  We then took a few moments to really look at the details of the fish - some fish had two eyes, some had one - the kids informed me it was because one fish was looking forward and the other sideways. (I was so proud).  Then we noticed the top and bottom fins along with the tail fins.

I pulled the kids around a table with a large sheet of paper, pencil, and primary colors.  I first asked for a student to decide if our fish should face forward or sideways.  I then drew my fish filling most of my paper.  Next I asked a student to pick the color of my fish and I painted it.  I then took it to the drying rack, but first EMPHASIZING that my name should be on it.

I then asked the students to come to me to receive another piece of paper.  I asked another student to pick a color (could be same or different) and then asked yet a different student for a type of line.  I drew that kind of line a couple of times and asked for another type of line.  The lines went ALL the way across the paper either the long or short way.  This also went on the drying rack with their name.

Day Two:
We looked, again, at the Dr. Seuss fish.  This time we looked at their face -- eyes and mouth.  Turns out Dr. Seuss fish have big eyes, complete with eyelashes and their mouths are smiling.  I showed the kids how to use a white oil pastel for the eye - then use a black oil pastel to outline the eye, give eyelashes, a pupil and a smile.  I then also outlined my fish with the black oil pastel.  Next I cut out my fish showing the kids some strategies for cutting out such a BIG piece of paper.  I showed them how to cut off extra scrap it was in the way and how to 'rough' cut, then go in and cut out the details.  Some students chose to use these techniques and others cut it out in one big cut.

Next, we glued the fish to the background - made sure the name was still visible and put it back on the drying rack.

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