

Art Show - Whole School

Well, it came, it was great - and now it's over.  Art show was tonight and I can't believe how great it was!

I was stressing a little bit last night about how long it would take to set up, how many volunteers I would get, how the community would receive the show.  I teach art very differently than many art teachers I know - for me art is more about guided exploration, learning, problem solving -- truly creating.  I wasn't sure if the community would be looking for more 'glamorous' projects.  From the handful of parents that stopped to chat with me - it sounded well received -- not just the show, but the program I have started this year.  One parent told me her child likes coming to art because I listen to their ideas instead of just telling them what to do -- huh, I just figured that was part of teaching kids.

I had a bunch of volunteers that came in to help, teachers sent down volunteers from their rooms -- the art show grids where set in place, artwork was hung, tables were drug from all ends of the building, and clay was set out -- all in record time.  I was planning on having to crame it all in before the doors opened at 6:30.  Everything was done and completed by 2:30!  Thank you to all of my volunteers that helped!!!  I couldn't have done it without you.

Now for the self reflection on the show.

Things to do again:
- QR codes (there were a hit with parents, especially dads)
- Let kids pick their artwork for the show.
- Hand artwork by class, but not by grade.
- Mat artwork on black paper.
- Hang artwork with binder clips.
- Place grids around outside of gym, tables in the middle.
- E-mail for volunteers
- Ask families to take artwork when they leave for the evening.

Things to change for next year:
- Have students write names on smaller cards for clay.
- Have students write names on labels - stick to 2-D work.
- Buy table cloths for clay tables.
- Label clay by class like 2-D work.
- Take pictures during show.
- Post conversation starters around the area to encourage families to talk about projects.

If there are any other suggestions from parents/teachers out there - leave me a comment.


  1. It looks like you had a very successful and creative year.

  2. Phenominal! I am never surprised and am always impressed with the learning that student's experience in your room. It looks so great!

  3. Wow, impressive! I not only enjoy looking at your student's artwork but the post show comments/ideas gave me some for my show that just ended. What kind of grid system is that?ThANKS!

  4. Jody - I have no idea who makes the grids. The district bought them years ago and they travel around being used for all sorts of things. I will do some research and see if I can't find out more about them.

  5. I am an art teacher in Louisiana and our gifted art students do live paintings on our gym stage The parents love it and it gets them to stand and watch the process. We usually have our art show set up more like a gallery and we sell kids work and the students get the money. We have button making and face painting set up to make a bit of money for the art department but this is something that has brought great pride in our students. I did want to ask what is it that you hang the work on? we could fit twice as much work and make it ten times faster to clean up. Thanks~

  6. I am exhausted just looking at this. You are amazing, my friend!


Due to many unrelated comments I have decided to moderate them. I will post everything as long as it is on topic.