

Art Ed Blog of the Year 2012 - VOTE!

I can't believe it!  I am so honored!  I just got an e-mail from Jessica over at The Art of Education letting me know that my blog has been selected as one of the finalists to win "Art Ed Blog of the Year!".  I am super excited, and honestly - a little surprised - there were over 80 nominations this year, so even to be a finalist is amazing.  

I love that Jessica does this each year, because I find so many more art blogs that help to stretch me as a teacher in both instruction and projects!  Most of the blogs I have found are through other blogs and having Art Ed Blog of the Year helps to further find gems hiding amongst the internet!

Here's the thing - being in the top twenty means that now the voting starts.  Voting is all week this week and will end Friday, December 14th.  All you have to do is click on the name "Organized Chaos" in the poll and click VOTE - SUPER EASY.  I know I have awesome fans out there - please take a moment or two and promote us to one of the Top 10 Art Ed Blogs of 2012! (Oh and last year we got 4th - lets raise the bar, shall we?)

While you are at the Art of Education check out some of the other Art Ed blog finalists - I love my job, my community - so much passion, creativity, and dedication.


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