Summer has begun! It is hot outside (heat indexes over 100!) and school is out! This year ended on a bitter sweet moment. I resigned from my awesome job because I am moving from Iowa to Michigan to be with the love of my life.

The last day of school was full of tears, laughter, and LOTS of hugs. I will dearly miss the staff, my classroom, and all 500+ students. It's hard to say goodbye to over 500 friends. I am excited for the new adventures that await me in Michigan - though I have no idea what they may be. I sense there will be excitement, anxiety, fear, laughter, tears, homesickness, joy, and a whole lot of new.
I currently have no job or job prospect for the fall - which has me a little freaked out. I really love my job - I feel blessed to have found a career I love right out of school. When I teach I feel I'm in my element. Am I a perfect teacher? - Heck no. I have tons left to learn, projects to create, kids to build relationships with, patience to build, and art programs to build. I feel so very passionate about art and kids that I have a hard time seeing myself doing anything else - at least at this point in my life. I never go home saying that my day was boring or easy and I wouldn't want it any other way.
I hope to keep posting throughout the summer with updates on a hopeful job, art happenings in my new city and perhaps other rambling rants about the state of art education.