The hats. These hats are made from newspaper, a little masking tape, colored tissue paper, and any other random crafty things you have sitting around.
Step one: Sit a kiddo on a chair infront of you.
Step two: Place a large sheet of newspaper over their head.
Step three: one of the adults need to place their hands low on the forehead and around the base of their noggin.
Step four: the other adult wraps masking tape around the head about where the other adult's hands are. Do this once or twice - make it tight!
Step five: roll up edges of newspaper to the masking tape.
Step six: send this kiddo off to decorate and ask another kid to sit down - repeat.
Pros for Super Hats:
- They actually fit each head because they are custom made.

Cons for Super Hats:
- Need a couple of adults
- Younger kids need a little bit of help not crushing their hat when decorating
- Sometimes tape is needed to keep up rolled edges.

These would be great fun to make at home on a rainy day, super hot day, or even at a meeting for a team building activity!