I started out the lesson with the word "Kirigami" on the board and asked students to raise their hand if they thought they might have an idea of what "Kirigami" meant. I asked them if it sounded like another word we already know. At this point a bunch of hands flew into the air.
Most times someone would mention cutting paper - or said that maybe Kirigami was like a paper snowflake. I proceeded to explain that like origami, kirigami is a Japanese word and art form. The word Kirigami roughly translates to "kiru" = to cut and "kami" = paper. Kirigami is paper that is folded and then cut - revealing a symmetrical design.
the younger kids, k-2, we learned what symmetrical was and then 2-5th
learned that sometimes there can be more than one line of symmetry. I
proceeded to draw some basic shapes on the board and asked students to
show me on their fingers how many lines of symmetry an equilateral
triangle would have. I then waited for all hands to show me a number
before I had a student come up and draw a line of symmetry. We
repeated this with a square as well. Students really got into trying
to figure out how many ways you could divide a shape in half while
still having it be the same on both sides!
I transferred this idea back to their kirigami, by explaining that their kirigami would most likely have 2 or 4 lines of symmetry depending on how they cut it.
I transferred this idea back to their kirigami, by explaining that their kirigami would most likely have 2 or 4 lines of symmetry depending on how they cut it.
During this lesson students learned and practiced:
1- Symmetry and lines of symmetry
2- cutting techniques
3- folding
4- visualization
5- problem solving
6- asking for help
For a few of the classes I drew "challenge" patterns on their papers -- they loved the challenge and their end snowflake!