Generally when schedules are running smoothly and people are less stressed - specials teachers get treated with respect and equality(in my experience) - but the moment things get rough or a planning period is in jeopardy, even by a few minutes, suddenly it feels as though specials teachers are less important - that what we are doing with the kids is just fluff and that our job is to babysit and entertain the kids so that planning times can be had.
I may not directly teach reading, writing, or math - but what I do is important. I may not teach anything that can be 'graded' with numbers or be graphed on a standardized test, but I teach students life skills that they use in general education rooms. Students learn valuable skills in my room, not just how to mix colors or draw in perspective (which honestly is super hard), but they learn how to cope when their ideas don't pan out. They learn how to ask for help, how to visualize, how to plan ahead. Students learn to preserver - students learn stamina in the art room. They learn to create something completely original by combining new and prior knowledge - a skill they need in writing for sure.

What I do matters. What I do is needed. If for no other reason, I do what I do because there is that one student in each class that lives their week for art class. There is always that one kid that can't read well, that numbers don't make sense, friendships may be hard to make and keep - but art they can do. Art is where they are smart, confident, at home - art is the one place they feel okay taking risks.

I know creativity happens in general education rooms, but I tend to feel it doesn't happen quite the same was as it does in the art room. I am passionate about what I do and what I teach. There is value and purpose in my planning and lessons.
All of you out there - please support your ARTs teachers and remember that they are indeed TEACHERS.