While students were waiting for their turn at dipping or simply trying to be patient while their creation dried - the group at BLVisuals brought along some fancy glasses that order colors in your depth of field. Hot colors in the front (closer to you) and cold colors in the back (further from you) giving anything with hot and cold colors an element of 3-D! It was amazing! Students loved looking at posters and their bandanas with the glasses.
Students were also excited and encouraged to take their tapestry/bandanas and hold them in front of color changing lights - which in turn, magically, changed the colors on their bandanas!

Pretty sure my students would describe the visit as "Best Day Ever".
BLVisuals dips most anything fabric and frequently travels to festivals and dips patron's arms. Their paint is a unique blend of acrylic paints - their beautiful creations on skin last about the length of a temporary tattoo while being permanent on fabric.
It was a truly awesome day.
This is pretty amazing. My students would freak out. In a good way.
I absolutely love this blog! It's so creative and insightful. I have never seen this project before--incredible! My jaw dropped when I saw the design on their arms.
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